
How To Upload Https Files In Wordpress

How to Increment the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress

Are you unable to upload big files to WordPress? We've got yous covered! Hither, we will uncover how to increase the maximum file upload size in WordPress. By the cease of the commodity, y'all will know how to modify the upload limit to meet your needs.

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Reasons to Increment WordPress Maximum File Upload Size

WordPress provides a congenital-in media uploader. It saves yous fourth dimension as you don't have to connect with FTP clients or use a File Manager from your hosting provider. Despite so, the PHP-based uploader has an upload limit for maximum file size. The upload file limit may vary depending on your hosting provider and WordPress configuration.

Y'all can cheque your WordPress upload file limit past navigating to Media -> Add New from the administrator dashboard.

This image shows you how to check your WordPress maximum file upload size. You can use this information to determine whether or not you need to increase the maximum limit.

While the maximum upload file limit is more than than enough to accommodate regular apply, at that place are cases where you may need to upload big files. This tin exist problematic every bit uploading files bigger than the allowed size results in 'the uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini' mistake.

Fortunately, in that location are three means to increase WordPress' maximum upload size. The following tutorial will guide you through all of them.

Three Means to Increase WordPress Maximum File Upload Size

To modify WordPress' file upload size, you need to access your hosting control panel and WordPress administrator dashboard. Make sure you have access to both of them before diving into the tutorial below.

Hither are 3 ways to increase WordPress' maximum file upload size:

1. Modifying .htaccess File

Many hosting providers let you to change the PHP settings via .htaccess file. You can take advantage of this ability to use php_value upload_max_filesize rule in this file.

Here'south how this method works:

  1. Access the WordPress root directory (public_html) via an FTP customer or File Manager. For Hostinger users, yous tin can admission the File Manager in the Files section of your hPanel dashboard.
    This image shows you where to locate File Manager in Hostinger hPanel.
  2. Open the .htaccess file and add the post-obit code to the bottom of the file. Once you're washed, save the changes.
    This image shows you how to access .htaccess file via Hostinger's File Manager. php_value upload_max_filesize 128M php_value post_max_size 128M php_value max_execution_time 300 php_value max_input_time 300

2. Configuring php.ini File

This method is well-nigh suitable for WordPress sites with VPS hosting every bit shared hosting providers more often than not don't allow editing the php.ini file. If you're running on shared hosting, brand sure to contact your hosting back up squad and clarify whether or not yous can modify the php.ini file.

Hither's how to increase the maximum file upload size by configuring php.ini file:

  1. Access the WordPress root directory (public_html) via an FTP client, File Manager, or SSH (if it'southward supported), then open up the php.ini file. If yous cannot observe the file, create 1 under the aforementioned name and filetype in the root directory.
  2. Add the following code to the php.ini file and save the changes.
    upload_max_filesize = 128M  post_max_size = 128M  max_execution_time = 300

3. Editing functions.php file

Alternatively, you lot tin increase WordPress' maximum file upload size by modifying your theme's functions.php file. Despite then, please note that the modification will revert to default if yous change your site's theme.

Here'due south how to alter the maximum file upload size by modifying functions.php file:

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance -> Theme Editor.
  2. Open the theme functions file (functions.php) and add the following code to the file. Once yous're washed, save the changes.
    @ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' );  @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M');  @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );


Despite enforcing a maximum file upload size, WordPress allows you to increase its limit. The tutorial above shows that there are multiple ways of increasing WordPress' maximum file upload size. If these methods don't work for yous, it's best to reach out to your hosting provider and let them alter information technology for you.


Jordana is a Digital Content Writer at Hostinger. With her Information Organisation and website evolution knowledge, she aims to assist aspiring developers and enterpreneurs build their technical skills. During her free time, she travels and dabbles in freestyle writing.


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